Imagine if you will the angstiest time in your life when you were young. Think of your style, attitude, and most importantly... the bands you listened to. For me, the first band that comes to mind is Korn.

I loved Korn growing up and still have great respect for the group's awesome shows the put out every year. Normally I would never need a reason to talk about my love of the band Korn, but today I have a good excuse. As my "Monday WAKE UP" playlist went through the rounds, a particular track stopped me in the middle of my work. "Oh sh*t, Freak on Leash!" The biggest single from the Follow the Leader album and my first paid ringtone from 2004-2007. A track so cool they had to get Todd McFarlane, the creator of Spawn for you non comic fans, to direct the music video. When the track finished playing, I was like "Man that never gets old. Wait when did it come out again? Oh it will be... 20 years ago this year." After 10 minutes of realizing the sad truth of youth flying away, it dawned on me that I should give an exemplary Happy Birthday to Follow The Leader. To properly share the love, let us headbang to the Woodstock 99' performance of Freak on a Leash together. Maybe afterwards we can talk about Limp Bizkit unironically? No? Okay maybe later.

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