You mean this Queen biopic is really going to happen?!! YES. Maybe. Fingers crossed.

If the trailer for Bohemian Rhapsody and the behind the scenes pics unveiled at CinemaCon are any indication, the embattled Queen biopic -- 10yrs in the making! -- is going to pull through. The big question is: will it do the iconic band justice?
Production has been no pleasure cruise. Sacha Baron Cohen backed out of the project in 2013. Bryan Singer was booted as director last year after “not showing up” however do some digging and you’ll find far worse accusations on that guy. Enter Rami Malek, whose performance and gratitude might be the movie’s saving grace. According to Indiewire, Rami told the audience,  “As an actor, you look at the humanity of someone, the struggles that he overcame throughout his life. Throughout the course of the film, you’ll learn so much about him that gives the way he sings the music and plays that music — it fills it with pain and beauty.”
Meanwhile, Queen guitarist Brian May was so moved he wrote to Rami and said “if Freddie were here today, he could not be more proud of what we were able to achieve.”
Yes, Rami may have an incredibly big bulge to fill, but he just might pull it off. Speaking of, let’s go back and watch Mr. Fahrenheit in action and look out for Bohemian Rhapsody in theaters on Nov. 2nd.

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