Jackie Lee had no intention of sharing his struggles with cancer with the rest of the world. He didn’t want to be known as “the cancer guy.” But then he remembered the healing power of music, and he’d written this song after his mother’s passing in 2016  – from cancer, no less – and after his first battle with testicular cancer, telling People magazine he didn’t care if anyone else ever heard it. It was for him.

But then the cancer came back. It was a highly curable form of cancer, but that didn’t make the chemo any easier, or the fact that he was physically unable to stay out on the road doing what he loved. He says the whole experience made him question his purpose, and wonder what he could do to make an impact for good.

During the course of his treatment, he’d shot a lot of homemade video, but didn’t know what he’d use it for. And he still hadn’t planned to share this personal song he’d written. But then he realized that because it was so personal, because it was his story, but also a story that could touch other people, and it was obvious that he had to release it. He did that with this video, using his footage from his treatment.

And we’re all happy to hear he rang the bell to signify his last day of chemo in January, and he’s healthy now. Thanks for sharing your long year with us, Jackie.

Well this has been a crazy month, especially in the world of metal. If you are kind of behind on what's new, look, I get it. There are just simply not enough hours in the day to stay up to date on what's out. But fear not, I’m here to catch you up! So without further ado, here are the metal albums for May 2018 that you simply have to know:
5) Jonathan Davis - "Black Labyrinth"

MY BOY JONATHAN DAVIS! Well, ok, I've never met him… but regardless (!), Jonathan Davis of Korn released a great solo album that surprisingly brings something for both fans and not-fans of Korn. Confused? Let me continue. Let’s just say that he’s stretching his artistic boundaries here, and I was simply not expecting how experimental things get. This one feels like we’re all getting some deep cuts that Jonathan has been waiting years to share.
4)  Parkway Drive - "Reverence"

The enduring Aussie metalcore bruisers return with this sixth studio album, and, man, it was a great way to kick off the month. The single "The Void" is an ultra-melodic, old-school chugger that strongly reminds me of good 80's metal. Solid listen for metalheads of all varieties, and one that makes me personally excited to see them again live.
3) Dimmu Borgir - "Eonian"

Holy shi- a new Dimmu Borgir album came out?? The last one came out...8 years ago! Sure, they might have given me nightmares as a young man, but it would be disrespectful to all the symphonic black metal fans out there if I didn't mention the new album. Though it might not live up to the level of "Abrahadabra," Shagrath's vocal work on Eonian is nothing short of grade A brutal. And for that alone, I deem this must-listen.
2) Bad Wolves - "Disobey"

To put this album in perspective: it's one part talent and one part "punch to the face." The band consists of vocalist Tommy Vext (ex-Divine Heresy, ex-Snot), drummer John Boecklin (ex-DevilDriver), lead guitarist Doc Coyle (ex-God Forbid), rhythm guitarist Chris Cain (ex-Bury Your Dead, ex-For the Fallen Dreams) and bassist Kyle Konkiel (ex-In This Moment, Vimic). All of these super-seasoned vets are managed by Zoltan Bathory of Five Finger Death Punch. Add all that up and it should paint the picture for this super group that you owe yourself to check out.
Speaking of Five Finger Death Punch...
1) Five Finger Death Punch - "And Justice for None"

Want to know something interesting? The band had already completed recording of the album by December 31, 2016! However, due to ongoing problems with their label Prospect Park, the album was delayed all that way until 2018, which is now! Was it worth the wait? My opinion is yes, but these juggernauts don’t need my approval as they've been killing it since their debut way back in 2007. And hell, I'll probably be promoting them in another 10 years, so if you haven't listened to it yet... DO IT!
Til the next month’s wrap up, keep it metal and have an awesome day!

While c credits space flame, Elon Musk with the idea, she says Claire has been the bane of her existence ever since she became “sentient.” (Hurriedly checks definition of “sentient” for fear of looking uncool)

The thing is, even the most simple name change can be maddening given how many times you have to correct people…Some just didn’t know you changed your name. Others have a hard time reprogramming their brain and you end up answering to both. Each time reciting a memorized explanation in defeat.

So what would unhinge you first? Correcting people or the paperwork? Don’t forget to include the multiple phone calls because it still isn’t updated in their system. As for the dreaded trip to the DMV? She might end up living in space with Elon and I don’t think you even need a driver’s license in space.

That might make it all worth it.. c.