Jackie Lee had no intention of sharing his struggles with cancer with the rest of the world. He didn’t want to be known as “the cancer guy.” But then he remembered the healing power of music, and he’d written this song after his mother’s passing in 2016  – from cancer, no less – and after his first battle with testicular cancer, telling People magazine he didn’t care if anyone else ever heard it. It was for him.

But then the cancer came back. It was a highly curable form of cancer, but that didn’t make the chemo any easier, or the fact that he was physically unable to stay out on the road doing what he loved. He says the whole experience made him question his purpose, and wonder what he could do to make an impact for good.

During the course of his treatment, he’d shot a lot of homemade video, but didn’t know what he’d use it for. And he still hadn’t planned to share this personal song he’d written. But then he realized that because it was so personal, because it was his story, but also a story that could touch other people, and it was obvious that he had to release it. He did that with this video, using his footage from his treatment.

And we’re all happy to hear he rang the bell to signify his last day of chemo in January, and he’s healthy now. Thanks for sharing your long year with us, Jackie.

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