Recently Brett Eldredge and Meghan Trainor were the ones to sing each others’ songs (and on of Kenny and Dolly’s) on CMT Crossroads, and it was really good! Now, you might think that since they’re both superstar entertainers, all they had to do was show up and sing and everything worked out, but no. There was actually a lot of rehearsal time put into making that show great, and even a little tweaking of harmonies the day before.

Also the outfit Meghan planned to wear for the show didn’t show up. She didn’t panic, and in fact called on the spirit of Oprah to remind herself that there was nothing she could do to change it, so she was just going to roll with flow.

Do take note of her slippers, too. You think these artists wear their heels all the time? Oh, girl. No. That would hurt.

Check out the behind-the-scenes video here: