Didn't Trent always seem incredibly intimidating? Maybe he is or maybe he was… but the man sounds like a GOD DAMN DELIGHT, in this new Q&A with Stereogum

The discussion covers a myriad of topics, including scoring films and TV, NIN's latest album, the decision to do an intimate tour, and (headlining-ly) the zero f*cks given regarding The RnR Hall Of Fame snub.

As for the brilliance that is their Dance Party USA appearance?

"[Laughs] Yeah, very well. You have to remember, we were at zero. We were from Cleveland and we were on big powerful TVT Records right? I think "Down In It" had come out, we're in New York, and we're friends with our publicist and she's like, "Hey, are there any TV shows that you guys wanna do?" And I remember we had watched that show 'cause it was so fuckin' stupid, right? And I said "Yeah, fuckin' Dance Party USA, get us on that one." As a joke, kind of. And then she says the next day, or shortly thereafter, "Hey, I got you on Dance Party USA, it films over in New Jersey, you wanna do it?" “F*ck yeah, let's do it!" Not thinking that 30 years later ... But when we got there, we didn't take it seriously, it was so absurd and people looked ridiculous. Even at the time, they looked ridiculous. We looked ridiculous. But I remember trying not to laugh while we were doing it. We were just trying to make it another month in our career."
See? Delightful!

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