Just as any fan would expect, a little nuclear holocaust isn't gonna kill their vibe. Besides, it did get them out of paying rent.

Jack and Kyle do all the voices and contrary to popular belief, Pixar didn't do the animation... it is all hand-drawn by Jack himself.

You'll get an episode each week for 6 weeks and the last episode will coincide with the release of their 4th album on November 2nd.


You probably remember Anita Cochran from her 1997 duet “What If I Said” with Steve Wariner, right? She’s made music since then, and she was actively touring, but it’s been a while since she has put out anything new. Until now.

Her current story started last year when she found a lump in her breast, and she was diagnosed with Stage 2 cancer, which was treated with chemotherapy, which prevented her from touring. That was her only source of income, so her friends, including Steve Wariner, Crystal Gayle, Wade Hayes, Clay Walker, Ty Herndon, Terri Clark, Jamie O’Neal and others put on a benefit concert and raised $12,000 to help her with medical bills and every day life expenses.

She just had her final chemo treatment two weeks ago, after having a double mastectomy and the removal of a lymph node, and she’s been cancer free for a little more than 6 months now.

Now she wants to help others with that fight, so she has created a charity called the Love Anchors Fund, which will be managed by the Community Foundation of Tennessee, and will benefit various charities working to end breast cancer and help its victims and survivors. The first effort to raise money for that fund is the release of a new song called “Fight Like A Girl.” She’s donating all the proceeds from the sale of the song from October 5-12 to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation via the Love Anchors Fund.

Check out the video for “Fight Like A Girl” here, listen to it on Slacker’s Nashville Now here, and donate to the Love Anchors Fund here.

Shawn Mendes wants no girl left behind, and for once he’s not just talking about his fanbase. Shawn played last weekend’s Global Citizen Festival in New York, where he was joined by John Legend for his song Youth. Before they performed, Shawn spoke up about the alarming lack of access to education around the world, especially for female children.

Access to quality education was only one of the important messages from stressed at the festival – organizers also encouraged attendees to reduce their use of single-use plastic items and to rally for eliminating bail bond policies that unfairly target minorities. Several performers spoke up for victims of sexual violence, including Janelle Monae, who told the audience “this past week was a brutal, brutal week for a lot of us women. So today, I’m standing here with my sisters on this stage, and with you. And, we want to send a message loud and clear to survivors here and all over the world; let’s make sure that they know that these 60,000 global citizens right here in this audience have got your back.”

Find out more about the Global Citizen movement and their quest to end extreme poverty by the year 2030 at www.globalcitizen.org.