Who rocks out at 9:30am at my kids’ school?....We do! Chad Smith (@RHCPchad)


Not only did Red Hot Chili Pepper’s Viewpoint Elementary Great Pumpkin headlining show rock the student body, their performance may have squashed a nasty beef with multi-talented 80s heart throb, Mr. Scott Baio. You read that right.

Let me break it down for you. RHCP drummer Chad Smith and Baio both send their kids to Viewpoint. When Donald Trump was bragging about grabbing "p*ssy," as noted in "When You're A Star, You Can Do Anything" celebrity handbook," Chad's wife confronted Baio for being a Trump supporter. Sadly, the situation escalated and Baio filed assault charges which were ultimately dismissed but that probably didn't make school any less awkward for the parents or the kids.

Fast Forward to The Great Pumpkin Show and the curiosity was killing me. Could they, would they hug it out?

So no, maybe they're wasn't an onstage collab but Baio did give a standing (Bai)O. And really, how much do you want to bet it was a slow clap in true 80s form? As for whether Baio's tweet was genuine or hyperbole, I don't know… maybe for once, it was a well-intended start of accountability/honesty. Owning mistakes, apologizing and moving forward. Maybe.

More importantly, these kids had the sweetest assembly in the history of school assemblies. Even the reptile guy would have agree to that.

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