Y’all. There is a serious problem happening right now, and you have the power to fix it. I’m talking about women making country music that ISN’T BEING HEARD. At least, not on that radio you have in your car – unless that radio gets Slacker on it, in which case, you’re good.

Billboard just published this article that says for the first time in 28 years, there is not a single female voice in the top 20 on this week’s Billboard Country Airplay chart, which compiles data on what terrestrial radio stations are playing around the country. Carrie Underwood is the only one who comes close at 22 with “Love Wins.”

Now, for my entire radio career, there’s been this “rule” that women, who are the target audience for most country radio stations, don’t like to hear other women. I CALL BS. Because, you see, I am a woman, and many of my friends are women, and many of the Slacker Radio listeners I hear from on a regular basis are women, and the overwhelming majority of women I know and have talked to want to hear music that reflects their own life experiences. You know who’s making that music? You guessed it: women.

In the Women Want to Hear Women podcast, Carrie Underwood calls BS, too.

In addition to programming female artists with great music on all of our mainstream country stations at Slacker Radio, you probably know we also launched WCE Country (which stands for Woman Crush Everyday) to give these talented women a bigger spotlight, more exposure, and to tell their stories. It’s curated and hosted by the women of Nashville, who very much want to hear other women on the radio.

The thing is, once we put the music out there, it’s up to YOU to help it succeed. And it’s pretty easy. Open your Slacker app or pull it up at slacker.com. I’ll wait. Ok, play a song – any song will do, but for the purposes of this experiment, try to make it a song by your favorite female country artist. You see that little heart in the bottom right? Every time you tap that heart on a song you love, you send us a signal that you want more. You help that song get played more, and be heard by more people. And the more people who tap that heart button, the more likely it is the song will make it into Slacker’s Weekly Country Countdown, where even more people will hear it and heart it.

So what I need you to do is pay attention, and when you hear a great song by a female artist (or any artist, really, but it’s the women who need your help right now), tap the heart button. That’s it. You have the power as a Slacker listener to make a huge impact on a female country singer’s career, and the more of us who are listening and hearting (is that a word?) songs, the bigger impact we’ll make. Whether you’re listening to the newest of the new on Nashville Now, the familiar stuff Country Hits, or all the girls on WCE Country, I’m asking you to use your powers for good. Like a super hero. Cape not included (but if you’re wearing one, I’m totally gonna need a picture of that.)