Hey guys! In honor of #NationalDogDay, so we celebrated with a station full of dog songs – The Twenty: Dog Days – and with a blog post full of some of our favorite viral dog moments!

This has got to be one of my favorite dog videos of all time.

On our Dog Days station, I talk about the dog whose owner teases him about getting a cat. If you haven’t watched, it’s a must see.

There’s also one where a dog gets teased about bacon.

This poor baby.

How about something that jerks on your heartstrings a bit?

I can really relate to this kid.

And to this dog.

This one makes me laugh every time.

We hope you had a Happy National Dog Day! Who are your favorite online dogs? (I mean, besides the dogs of LXL, which you can see in this other dog-themed blog post.) Share in the comments below, and don’t forget to listen to The Twenty: Dog Days on Slacker!

Oh, and give your dog a hug for me.

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