LiveXLive was lucky enough to get Michael “Fitz” Fitzpatrick and Noelle Scaggs of Fitz and The Tantrums into a studio to create their very own station.  You can hear them play their favorite songs, and tell the stories behind them, here.

In addition, we played a quick Q&A game called “Lightning Round” to learn a bit more about the duo. They cracked us up, here’s why:

Drive or Passenger?

Fitz: Driver.

Noelle: Passenger…but I don’t like riding with you.

Fitz: That’s because I’m a friggin’ maniac.

Noelle: He’s a maniac. Yes.

Day or Night?

N: Night

.F: Now, see, before I had kids, I was all “night.” Now I’m all “day” because those little s***s are waking me up at six I the morning

Fall or Summer?

F: Summer

N: Fall.

F: Look at you. Such a contrarian.

Favorite movie?

N: "Legends of the Fall!"

F: What?

N: Yes. It was the hottest cast ever put on film. It was all about the eye candy.

F: "Star Wars,” please.

Best TV show?

F: "Breaking Bad."

N: "Lord of the Rings."

F: Shut up

N: (laughs)

F: We’ll just let her live with the shame of that answer. Next?

Best Drummer:

F: Keith Moon.

N: I’m gonna say Darren King from Mutemath.

F: Wow.

Best Vocalist

N: ME!

F: (pause) Oh my god.

N: (laughs)

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