French Montana is hoping Kim Kardashian can do the same for Max B that she did for Alice Marie Johnson.  Max, born Charlie Wingate, was sentenced to 75 years in 2009 after being found guilty of conspiracy, robbery and homicide charges. Montana called upon Kim in an attempt to help get the influential rapper a pardon from prison. In a recent interview with Zane Lowe on Beats1 Radio the Bronx MC said he and his friend Kim have discussed getting Max home.

"Just watching Kylie [Jenner] become a billionaire and watching certain people just break certain records, it makes you feel like the land of where dreams come true. You know what I'm saying? I mean, life is like a mirror sometimes. And sometimes a lot of people don't see the good that they do, like as far as Kim," French began. "Me and Kim was talking about getting Max B home from jail. So, like for her to even reach out and do that I felt like that was powerful. A lot of people don't see things like that."

In 2016, Max B took a plea bargain and was said to be getting out around 2025, although rumors have been swirling that he’ll hit the streets later this year or next year. Kim Kardashian recently spoke to CNN’s Van Jones about controversial dealings with President Trump.

"I know I got so many times people would say to me, 'Don't go to the White House, your career will be over, don't go there,'" Kim revealed about the flack she’s caught.

"And I just kind of weighed the decision where it was like ... to save a life or to get maybe bad tweets about me or a bad news story for a few days. I guarantee you the people sitting behind bars do not care who the president is. They just want that relief. And so if I could have done that, I don't care,"

Alice Johnson’s sentence was commuted by Trump last summer but her offense was a non-violent crime. Max is jailed for murder so it will definitely be tougher to get the rap star out.

Kardashian has continued to work on Justice reform and has announced she is studying to follow in her father’s footsteps and  become a lawyer.

"It's in me," she said to Jones about her family’s history in law. Kardashian is studying to take the California Bar exam in 2022 and currently has an apprenticeship with a San Francisco law firm in the interim.

"I don't want to be put in a box," the reality star added. "I saw a comment where someone said, 'You need to stay in your lane. You can have ambitions but don't be too ambitious.'  I read it to my husband in bed, and I was just like, 'This will even push me harder.’”

With the hype of her recent Netflix documentary still buzzing, Beyoncé decided to gift the world with another treat.  Today, she released her “Lemonade” project across all streaming platforms.  The date coincides with the 3-year anniversary of the album.  Her ever so loyal fans, The Beyhive, were specifically raving over the original demo release of the track “Sorry.”

A lot of excitement is still stirring from her recent take on the classic Frankie Beverly and Maze classic “Before I Let Go,” which was featured in the soundtrack to her acclaimed Netflix documentary ‘Homecoming.’  Beyoncé wanted her fans to feel connected with this song, so she launched the Instagram story page #BeforeILetGoChallenge. The challenge was a means to get her fans to come up with dances for the song, and the best were posted on the page for 128 million plus fans to see.

Not surprisingly, it has taken a while for the members of Linkin Park to get back on their feet after losing lead singer Chester Bennington two years ago. The singer sadly committed suicide, leaving the band, fans, and the music industry devastated.

To the Linkin Park faithful however, the legendary group are showing newfound glimmers of hope for new music.  Turntable specialist Joe Hahn of the band recently did an interview with South Korea news agency Yonhap and said dialogue within the group about new records have been broached.

"The members are taking care of themselves and their families and are going through the problems in their own way," Hahn divulged.  “We aren't discussing detailed plans. I just want to go back to those days when I made music in the garage."

This comes after a February interview with band co-lead singer and guitar player Mike Shinoda, who told German outlet Rock Antenne that it would be practically “unhealthy” for the group to stop recording and rocking stages.

"We all thrive making and performing music," explained Shinoda, who dropped a solo project last June. “I know the other guys, they love to be on stage, they love to be in a studio, and so to not do that would be like... I don't know, almost like unhealthy."

Although, the late great Bennington is irreplaceable, there may come a time when they need to pick up an additional vocalist to join the group. It will have to be organic if it does happen.

"It's not my goal to look for a new singer," Shinoda clarifies. “If it does happen, it has to happen naturally. If we find someone that is a great person and good stylistic fit, I could see trying to do some stuff with somebody. I would never want to feel like we are replacing Chester."

It feels like it will still be awhile before we get a new Linkin Park album.  For their fans’ sake, hopefully it won’t be as long as Joe Hahn believes:

“Maybe in about 10 years?” He laughed off when asked about a release date ballpark figure. “It might be sooner. I don’t want to set a deadline. We just want to focus on the present and talk about music. We aren’t discussing detailed plans. I just want to go back to those days when I made music in the warehouse.”