The Marathon Continues. Forever. “Nipsey Hussle’s Celebration of Life” took place yesterday at a capacity-filled Staples Center in LA. It was one of the biggest send-offs for an artist since Michael Jackson had his home-going celebration in the very same arena a decade ago.

Beyond fans, the audience included almost as many stars as February’s Grammy Awards. Looking around the room, you could see a range of talent showing respect, including Jay-Z and Beyoncé, Kendrick Lamar and T.D.E., Meek Mill, G-Eazy, Diddy, Busta Rhymes, Smoke DZA, Goaepelle, Y.G., Usher, DJ Mustard, The Game, O.T. Genasis, Snoop Dogg, Too Short, Master P, Mars and the 1500 Or Nothin band. And it went further than just musicians, with NBA All-Stars and legends like Russell Westbrook, James Harden, Isaiah Thomas, John Salley, film directors Lena White and Ava Duvernay, and Power’s Omari Hardwick.

The event featured touching performances from Marsha Ambrosius, Jhene Aiko, Anthony Hamilton and Stevie Wonder.

With all of that star power, however, the stadium was mostly filled with fans from Nipsey’s LA hometown. Fitting, as he was a man of the people nicknamed “Neighborhood Nip.”

Stevie Wonder spoke of the need for stricter gun laws and sang “Rocket Love” with impassioned soul. A montage featuring personal and iconic pictures of Nipsey was displayed on a large monitor to the tune of Frank Sinatra’s “My Way.”

The Minister Louis Farrakhan spoke eloquently, painting the picture of Nipsey as a modern-day pharaoh. A king who gave unselfishly to his people, and while his music caused his stardom, his generous deeds in the community is what will make him an eternally loved legend.

Nipsey’s family had comforting words. His children, siblings and parents told tremendous stories and delivered messages of hope in spite of tremendous despair.

“At the count of three, I want everyone to said ‘Respect’” said Lauren London’s son.

His older brother Samiel Asghedom gave an emotional speech that recounted the arc of Nipseys career, from his early days to becoming a Grammy-nominated artist.

“I hope he knows I loved him and I was proud of him,” Asghedom said. “I know he loved me, man.”

His mother Angelique Smith, told everyone that Nipsey was at peace and so is she. “I have perfect peace. I am happy. I am complete. I am strong. And if I can feel this way, you can, too.”

Karen Civil and Nip’s management team read a letter from Barack Obama, where the former President praised the Grammy Award nominated rapper’s contributions to society.

“While most folks look at the Crenshaw neighborhood where he grew up and see only gangs, bullets and despair, Nipsey saw potential,” read the letter. “He saw hope. He saw a community that, even through its flaws, taught him to always keep going.”

“I’ve never felt this type of pain before,” Hussle’s longtime soul mate Lauren London said  from the stage, garbed in all white. The actress said her deepest grief comes from thinking about the two-year-old she and Nipsey created who may be too young to remember how much his dad loved him.

“Stay ten toes down. It’s not on you, it’s in you” said Lauren. “What’s in you can’t be taken away. He had all of us. To Ermias the love of my life... until we meet again the Marathon continues.”

After the memorial, a large motorcade procession took place from the Staples Center Crenshaw to various areas throughout the city, landing at Slauson where Nipsey’s Marathon Clothing store resides. The procession ended at the Angelus Funeral Home, which is handling Hussle’s final arrangements. Family members gathered inside, while outside the outpouring love from his fans was in full stride. Nipsey would have been proud. His race may be over, but the Marathon clearly continues.

Picture it: it’s game one of the NHL Playoffs. The Nashville Predators hosting the Dallas Stars. The announcer is using his excited voice to ramp up the crowd as he brings on national anthem singers Big & Rich. There’s just one teensy weensy snafu when he does.

You heard him right: he called them “gender-bending.” We’re pretty sure he meant “genre-bending,” which is a whole ‘nother thing. Because as far as we know, both Big Kenny and John Rich are pretty firm in their genders. The internet has had some fun at their expense, but so far neither has commented on the oops.

Com o objectivo de a maioria destes bancos de investimento, o primeiro desafio é especialmente reunir estes dados que fazem falta com o objectivo de julgar a lucratividade do cliente (e outras métricas) de forma holística entre suplementos e regiões geográficas. Alguns sistemas do tecnologia por bancos foram criados com o objectivo de disparar suporte a negócios por um único produto ou por geografia única, de modo de que estes dados de receita no nível do cliente talvez tenham que ser agregados a partir de várias origens. As empresas adquiridas ou mescladas de outras entidades também podem ter dados que se vêem por vários sistemas (ou duplicados). Usualmente, esses sistemas de suplementos separados não usam este mesmo mestre por dados por referência do cliente nunca as mesmas hierarquias por entidade por clientes, este de que significa de que estes dados do cliente não podem vir a ser comparados e resumidos por maneira consistente em todos os negócios. Como comissões, são simplesmente calculadas e atribuídas pelo cliente, outras, tais como facilitação ou receitas do derivativos OTC, são demasiado muito mais complexas. Como exemplo, as posições extensas por 1 cliente por corretagem primário podem possibilitar produzir 1 spread por empréstimo, incorrer em uma despesa por financiamento e fornecer títulos adicionais receita de empréstimos através da internalização.

Do lado do custo, correctas despesas, como custos por câmbio, custos do financiamento, chamadas de analistas ou serviços de introdução de capital, podem ser fáceis por mensurar e tocar a clientes individuais. Outros custos, como cobertura por vendas ou serviço ao cliente, são relativamente fáceis do tocar, mas introduzem 1 problema de "galinha ou ovo", como exemplo, prover cobertura por vendas muito mais sênior ou muito mais extensiva a um cliente lucrativo pode reduzir a lucratividade desse cliente. como gerenciamento por suplementos alimentares ou suporte a aplicativos de tecnologia, não podem vir a ser alocados entre clientes sem recorrer a destemido tipo de metodologia por alocação estereotipada. Como esses custos podem possibilitar ser substanciais, deve-se deter cuidado com o objectivo de confirmar que os cálculos do lucratividade resultantes não são apenas uma manifestação da alternativa Por tal razão, certos bancos optarão por alocar exclusivamente várias despesas diretas e atribuíveis na análise de rentabilidade de seus clientes.

A maior parte das empresas do nicho por capitais recebe enormes alocações por custos de funções tais como operações e tecnologia. Embora esses custos sejam frequentemente alocados aos negócios do produto com base em métricas, tais como contagens de transações, saldos ou números do contas, isso não justifica necessariamente alocação suplementar desses custos até mesmo o nível do cliente usando essas mesmas métricas. Ao decidir incluir esses custos nos cálculos por lucratividade do cliente, estes bancos devem considerar se esses custos certamente diminuem ou "desaparecem" usando a saída do cliente (ou do empreendimento do produto). Certos comportamentos do cliente, como taxas mais elevadas de interrupções comerciais pedidos de transferência eletrônica manual ou envios do arquivo por negociação atrasada podem criar custos incrementais para atendimento ao cliente, escritório central ou operações. Na medida em de que esses clientes podem vir a ser identificados e estes custos desses comportamentos compreendidos, esses custos podem possibilitar ser imbutidos às estudos do lucratividade do cliente. Inumeras vezes, as vendas e este serviço trabalharão diretamente usando estes clientes para reduzir ou cobrar por essas atividades. ) A estudo de lucratividade do cliente não precisa necessariamente ser abrangente com o objectivo de ser eficaz, pois capturar a maior parte das receitas e despesas simplesmente atribuíveis têm a possibilidade de ser bnastante para diferenciar variados níveis por clientes. e concordar os esforços de vendas e serviços apropriados.

Capturar estes dados necessários, calcular a lucratividade do cliente e outras métricas e distribuir estes relatórios por lucratividade do cliente para as equipes de vendas, serviços e gerenciamento apropriadas geralmente requer uma combinação do tecnologia e equipe dedicada. Como exemplo, capturar visitas por analistas ou atividades do cobertura do vendas pode vir a solicitar de que esses grupos rastreiem as suas chamadas e / ou reuniões por meio de 1 aplicativo CRM e tocar custos de serviço ao cliente podem requerer o rastreamento por suas atividades pelo cliente, talvez por meio de software por fluxo por produção. Certos bancos do investimento designaram equipes por gerenciamento por dados de conta com o objectivo de serem responsáveis por reunir, analisar e controlar a lucratividade do cliente e estes dados relacionados. Essas equipes costumam se reportar a gerentes seniores de vendas ou divisões.

While many of us are still hurt, confused and angered about the death of Nipsey Hussle just over a week ago, his mother Angelique Smith recently provided the world with words of wisdom and comfort.

In a video posted to Facebook, she spoke calmly, looking into the camera and referencing her superstar son by his given name.

“Ermias is here with me right now. I feel him“ she reassured. “Ermias will never die. You have him in your heart. Every time you think or Ermias, he lives. His spirit is everywhere now. You can talk to him. And he will talk back to you in your mind. Your memory...”

She also spoke of seeing her son’s body upon his passing.

“I don’t want you to be traumatized. Ermias was more beautiful in death than he was in life. Ermias didn’t have any marks on him when I viewed him. His hair was perfect. There was not one strand of hair out of place... I looked at him and said ‘that’s my angel baby.’”

She also referred to him as being at peace and “a baby in the spirit world.”

“Death is something to not to be feared,” she affirmed. “Death is something to prepare yourself for. When you walk this earth and when you do good deeds. For people and you are living and kind, those are the things that will show on your face. You will look more beautiful. Ermias looked healthy, he looked clean, he had a glow. He was radiant. He was so perfect, that he had a sweet aroma. He even smelled good. So please do not fear death. Death is just the beginning of a wonderful world. And I tell myself Ermias likes thrilling things and now my son knows the secret to the mystery of life.”

Nipsey, born Ermias Joseph Asghedom, was killed on March 31. He was just 33 years old. The news of his work for the community both in LA and abroad and for children has inspired and affected people even deeper than his Grammy nominated music.

A memorial for Nipsey takes place Thursday morning at Los Angeles’s Staples Center from 10am to 12 noon called “Nipsey Hussle: A Celebration of Life.” BET will televise the ceremony. Free tickets were given out to Los Angeles residents on Tuesday and within 21 minutes over 20,000 people signed up to attend. After the celebration, a massive procession will take place in the streets of LA from the Staples Center to Crenshaw blvd, home of Nipsey’s Marathon Clothing store, and end at the nearby Angelus Funeral home, which is handling Nipsey’s remains. A private service for the community activist and motivator took place there Wednesday afternoon for close loved ones and friends.