Let’s face it: no matter how healthy a lifestyle you live, sometimes your body doesn’t cooperate and things go wrong. Which is why making sure you get checked out at least once a year is so important.

Just ask Lindsay Ell, who went in for her annual check-up assuming that, because she’s a health nut, everything would be a-ok and she’d get back to her regularly scheduled life. Not so fast, though. Her doctor saw something concerning, which turned into a test, which turned into a biopsy, which turned into surgery. She’s fine, and her doctors made it clear she did not have cancer, but what they found were pre-cancerous cells. If she hadn’t gone in, that could have turned into a life threatening situation.

So, Lindsay has used her web series “What The Ell” to document her whole experience from start to finish and use that to encourage you not to put off your annual check-up. So watch it here, and then go call your doc, ok?