That was quick--the Black Keys are already in the top 5.
It doesn’t matter what you see on social media, or what you believe to be true about someone you think looks better than you. You just don’t know what any other person is going through.
Carrie Underwood just had her second baby in January, which definitely takes a toll on a body. And that toll has had Carrie struggling to appreciate her body, even with all the miraculous stuff it’s done.
Carrie posted a selfie on Instagram, and described how hard she’s been on herself lately for not being able to run as fast or lift as heavy in the gym as she could a year ago, before she was pregnant. But then, she points out, her body has belonged to baby Jacob for the past 11 months, not her. First it was his home, and now it’s where his nourishment comes from.
So, as she prepares for her Cry Pretty World Tour, Carrie has made a promise to herself. She says, “I make a promise to start appreciating what my body CAN do and stop focusing on what it can’t. I promise to stop analyzing every angle and every curve and every pound and every meal. I’m going to keep staying the path because it’s a journey and as long as I’m always working towards my goals, one day I’ll reach them. I’m going to take it day by day, smile at the girl in the mirror, and work out because I love this body and all it has done and will continue to do!”
I feel like that’s a lead we should all be following.
On this episode of Lucky Few, two fans at Rolling Loud get surprised with the chance to meet their favorite artist, 24kGoldn. See what happens! Brought to you by Kia.