JUST IMAGINE having so much pull that you’re able to book Paris' Louvre as the set of your video shoot. I have so many questions. What were their insurance costs on being that close to priceless works of art? How many security guards do they have standing around just outside the frame? And do Beyonce and Jay-Z have some kind of dirt on whoever’s in charge of one of the most famous museums in the world to get this kind of favor?

The Carters are making their joint musical debut – and true to their brand, the release was a complete surprise. They dropped the 9 song EP Everything Is Love on Saturday and blew the world away.

I mean, sure, Lambos & blinged out chains are nice, but Rap’s First Couple are raising the bar on what luxury means. Check out the video and let us know what you think!

YAAAAS. The opening scene of The Lost Boys is etched into the brain of every 80s movie lover and it's rather endearing that Marilyn Manson covered the Gerald McMann soundtrack classic.

First, get to know the backstory on the original via Buzzfeed.

Gerald McMann - who now travels under the moniker of G Tom Mac - revealed that he managed to compose the theme from The Lost Boys, without even enjoying the benefit of screening the movie first, although they did at least send him a copy of the screenplay. "As it turned out, I got inspired by reading the script and the events in my own life and wrote the song," said Mac. "The song was brewing in my head with the choir as a chorus backing me. That all seemed to come within half an hour. Mike Maineri had this hypnotic beat, we refined it together, and my melody and chords melted right into it. Then I wrote the lyrics within an hour or two, recorded the demo, sent it to Joel [Schumacher], two days later got a call from him, ecstatic by the song and saying, "You nailed my theme song to The Lost Boys! I can't believe you wrote this without seeing a frame of film!'

As for Manson's cover, Consequence of Sound says it is supposedly for the 2019 X-Men spinoff, The New Mutants.

My only two critiques:
1. I'd rather a Lost Boys remake than another X-Men installment.
2. Marilyn definitely should have gotten sexy oil-slicked sax cameo icon, Tim Cabello, to perform with him in some capacity. He dropped the ball there.

Craig Campbell has a new 7-song EP out called See You Try, and a song by the same name. So I got to talk to him about it on Slacker Radio’s Nashville Now (and a little on Country Hits), and the subject of the Country 500 came up. We watched his performance here on LiveXLive, and I saw an interview (elsewhere) from the show where a guy asked him to tell him something nobody knew about him.

Craig said, “I can do something only 1% of the world population can do: I can lick my elbow.” And the guy interviewing him said, “Ok,” and moved on to the next unrelated question.

WAIT A MINUTE. He didn’t ask to see proof? He didn’t ask how he figured out he could do that, or how that skill comes in handy? Nothing?!

I couldn’t let that stand. I HAD to see it for myself. And if that random radio guy doing the interview wasn’t going to ask, I definitely was. And Craig said yes. You’re welcome, random radio dude.