While c credits space flame, Elon Musk with the idea, she says Claire has been the bane of her existence ever since she became “sentient.” (Hurriedly checks definition of “sentient” for fear of looking uncool)

The thing is, even the most simple name change can be maddening given how many times you have to correct people…Some just didn’t know you changed your name. Others have a hard time reprogramming their brain and you end up answering to both. Each time reciting a memorized explanation in defeat.

So what would unhinge you first? Correcting people or the paperwork? Don’t forget to include the multiple phone calls because it still isn’t updated in their system. As for the dreaded trip to the DMV? She might end up living in space with Elon and I don’t think you even need a driver’s license in space.

That might make it all worth it.. c.