So Lamb of God stopped by San Diego in May and — of course — I wasn’t going miss to the show. This being my 3rd LoG show, I was happy to know what I was in for: great music, a great audience, and some heavy duty moshing.
Now, I managed to set myself up with a good spot on the floor and got hyped as the show started. As the night continued, the circle pits formed behind me, and I received the customary small, but harmless pushback. Like I stated, I’m a metal dude; I expect a little pushback. However, things suddenly cranked to 11 a little earlier than expect...
As “Inherit the Earth" began, I felt a punch to the back of my head. A punch! I felt like Robert Downey Jr. in the Sherlock Holmes films, analyzing the situation and properly thinking of a way to respond. After a second of thought, I turned around to see a fellow who looked like Seth Rogen, had he gone bald at 20 years old, and I immediately yelled "Did you f*ckin punch me?"
Smooth and relaxed, I know. I’m good like that.
True to form, this troubled, tipsy bro responded back with equal etiquette: “yeah, you're in the f*ckin way!"
Guys, look, I can't control my height. But for the record, if you’re ever behind me at a show and can’t see, you can, like, ask me to move or something. Sadly for this nerd, there was no ask, only some pre-mature punchery and distraction from an epic LoG show.
As a proper gentleman, I realized that this situation needed to be de-escalated, so I politely reared back and gave him just enough of a push to get sucked up by the nearest moshpit. Like Boba Fett to the Sarlacc Pit or when King Leonidas kicked that one guy, I banished the knockoff Seth Rogen to the whim of the pit and proceeded to enjoy the rest of the show.
Let us all learn a lesson from Mr. Punch Dudes In The Head Guy: don’t punch dudes in the back of the head, especially when your back is facing a Lamb of God moshpit.

With E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) happening, my whole twitter feed has been bombarded with an assault of video game related news these last few days. From the praises of fans to the surprises of trailers dropping, this is truly a momentous occasion for all gamers. I myself couldn’t even escape the hype train of E3, so why don’t I why don’t I do something a little different. Don’t worry if you think I was going to miss out on the metal, after all I did say “Remembering, The Best Metal Video Game” in the title after all.

The game I’m talking about was probably the riskiest project to take on. A world inspired from everything metal, from the designs to the characters. Iconic metal figures were brought in to lend their voices for roles based on them. This game also might have the best soundtrack in any video game in history that became my playlist for 2 years. Finally, last but not least, the game’s lead was… Jack Black!

If you have not figured it out yet, I’m talking about  “Brütal Legend!”

Created by fellow metalhead Tim Schafer of Double Fine Productions, you play as Eddie Riggs (voiced by Jack Black), who is "the world's best roadie" for "the world's worst 'heavy metal' band", Kabbage Boy. During a gig for Kabbage Boy, Eddie is crushed by falling scenery while trying to save a member of the band, and awakens in a world that resembles a twisted collage of metal records. With little breathing time, the game begins. Guitar solos that casts spells. Chopping fiendish creatures with a literal axe. Exploring locations like Razor Fields, Bladehenge, and Sea of Black Tears while Iced Earth is playing in the background. It was like witnessing a Frank Frazetta art piece in motion. This game… was amazing.

Can’t forget the awesome well thought characters that all fit a role in the “Metal Genre Tree.” Also the cameos from legends like, Rob Halford, Lemmy Kilmister, Lita Ford, Tim Curry, and Ozzy Osbourne! There was nothing more I would wanted from a game.

With such a strong concept and a team that poured so much effort into it, you think there would be a sequel for it right? I know I do!

After it was released in 2009, Double Fine believed they were given the go-ahead to develop a sequel to Brütal Legend, and had invested a great deal of development time towards this, but were later told by EA that it was cancelled.

Did you hear a break in the distance? That was my heart 8 years ago.

HOWEVER as of 2013, Schafer is still interested in a sequel to Brütal Legend, but would require appropriate funding and resources to make it happen as an independent developer. To follow that up, “Brutal Legend will eventually get a sequel” Tim Schafer of developer Double Fine said June 13 during an appearance at E3 2017. That was last year! There is hope for the legend to continue, and if you haven’t already played it… play “Brutal Legend!”

Now that I got that off my chest… time to check out the other releases today.

Especially this new one I found.

My fascination with Japanese commercials dates back to the dawn of youtube, where it was the wild west of who knows what you could find. My favorite discoveries after hours of random kanji were the Japanese commercials. For me, these commercials were more than odd spectacles of nonsense, no, they were windows to a culture that fascinated me and had me applaud their guts to push a products using inventive methods.

Now, I can hear already… “Aidan, this is cool and all, but where is the metal?”

Well my delightful friend, I got you! Japanese noodle company Nissin has rolled out a really well done and also very metal commercial for their product. The commercial features a noodle-eating chicken devil, summoning noodle snake from the ground, and the eventual destruction of all.

Anime News Network breaks it down perfectly!

“According to the story in the magazine, the statue seen at the beginning is a being called "Akuma no Kimura." Hiyoko-chan participates in rituals to the demon to satisfy its desire for perfection and obtain what is missing to achieve that desire. The description goes on to say that the demon isn't really an external entity, but more of a representation of a demon-like thing that exists within human beings that cannot be destroyed.

The ad repeats the phrases "Sugu oishii, sugoku oishii" (immediately delicious, super delicious). This repetition is supposed represent that the phrase itself no longer has meaning outside of being a spell to access the subconscious. Eventually the phrase transforms into "jigoku oishii" (hellishly delicious). The change happens naturally to the point where the listener doesn't notice until both "delicious" and "hell" coexist.

After Hiyoko's transformation, he becomes a devil named "Caym," a reference to the apocryphal demon also known as Camio that has a bird-like appearance. The demon is well known in Japan because of artist M.L. Breton's depiction in Collin de Plancy's Infernal Dictionary.”

Soooo yeah, THAT IS SO METAL FOR A COMMERCIAL! All this lore in a ramen commercial really makes me wish Cannibal Corpse would make a cameo in a children cereal commercial or something. Actually, I need to make some calls to make that happen now.

Well this has been a crazy month, especially in the world of metal. If you are kind of behind on what's new, look, I get it. There are just simply not enough hours in the day to stay up to date on what's out. But fear not, I’m here to catch you up! So without further ado, here are the metal albums for May 2018 that you simply have to know:
5) Jonathan Davis - "Black Labyrinth"

MY BOY JONATHAN DAVIS! Well, ok, I've never met him… but regardless (!), Jonathan Davis of Korn released a great solo album that surprisingly brings something for both fans and not-fans of Korn. Confused? Let me continue. Let’s just say that he’s stretching his artistic boundaries here, and I was simply not expecting how experimental things get. This one feels like we’re all getting some deep cuts that Jonathan has been waiting years to share.
4)  Parkway Drive - "Reverence"

The enduring Aussie metalcore bruisers return with this sixth studio album, and, man, it was a great way to kick off the month. The single "The Void" is an ultra-melodic, old-school chugger that strongly reminds me of good 80's metal. Solid listen for metalheads of all varieties, and one that makes me personally excited to see them again live.
3) Dimmu Borgir - "Eonian"

Holy shi- a new Dimmu Borgir album came out?? The last one came out...8 years ago! Sure, they might have given me nightmares as a young man, but it would be disrespectful to all the symphonic black metal fans out there if I didn't mention the new album. Though it might not live up to the level of "Abrahadabra," Shagrath's vocal work on Eonian is nothing short of grade A brutal. And for that alone, I deem this must-listen.
2) Bad Wolves - "Disobey"

To put this album in perspective: it's one part talent and one part "punch to the face." The band consists of vocalist Tommy Vext (ex-Divine Heresy, ex-Snot), drummer John Boecklin (ex-DevilDriver), lead guitarist Doc Coyle (ex-God Forbid), rhythm guitarist Chris Cain (ex-Bury Your Dead, ex-For the Fallen Dreams) and bassist Kyle Konkiel (ex-In This Moment, Vimic). All of these super-seasoned vets are managed by Zoltan Bathory of Five Finger Death Punch. Add all that up and it should paint the picture for this super group that you owe yourself to check out.
Speaking of Five Finger Death Punch...
1) Five Finger Death Punch - "And Justice for None"

Want to know something interesting? The band had already completed recording of the album by December 31, 2016! However, due to ongoing problems with their label Prospect Park, the album was delayed all that way until 2018, which is now! Was it worth the wait? My opinion is yes, but these juggernauts don’t need my approval as they've been killing it since their debut way back in 2007. And hell, I'll probably be promoting them in another 10 years, so if you haven't listened to it yet... DO IT!
Til the next month’s wrap up, keep it metal and have an awesome day!

Let me start by first saying I loved the whole weekend. I was lucky enough to watch Rock on the Range and talk to some (of you!) really cool people all from the comfort of my apartment. If you missed it and are just finding out, LiveXLive streamed Rock on the Range and I was watching it every day and leading the chat! Talking music, giving the people the knowledge they need, the occasional tech support, and generally talking METAL.
It was great! How great? Let me give you the play by play.
The first day! Breakfast burrito in my hand! The scheduled performances tabbed! Oh yeah, I was ready.
When 1:30 PM hit, the chat opened and in came the people ready to join me on the ride.
The first act to hit the stream was Machine Gun Kelly which was a great way for the stream to start off. He brought a spectacle to his performance that actually outplayed some of the other bands that night. For that alone, awesome job MGK!  
The next to hit the stream was The Fever 333. This was probably up there for my favorite acts of the weekend and the same for a lot of people watching with me. Jason Aalon Butler was a complete animal, running everywhere and climbing on the monster semi-truck while headbanging with such force… I became lightheaded afterwards. Awesome set overall!
Later in the night Baltimore’s Turnstile would shake up the stage. I was looking forward to this band the most on Friday, and they did not disappoint. Bringing the same chaotic energy they do from smaller venues to the big stage was what I needed to see at the festival.
10 Years might have stolen the night by playing possibly the best rendition of Nirvanas’ Heart Shaped Box. Just sayin.
Underoath wrapped up the night with a lot of their classic tracks. Bringing me back to a good ol’ nostalgia high that rekindled my love of post hardcore. Great to see they are back.
Okay some crazy stuff happened with lightning storms… BUT THAT DID NOT STOP US!  
ASKING ALEXANDRIA was sick! Huge fan of the band, and was a huge on preaching their newest album. It's very good if you did not know.
After the storm settled, a new one formed… on the stage! (Like what I did there?)
From Ashes To New managed to make an impact with the new time frame. Three Days Grace had probably the coolest stage entrance and loudest crowd for “Riot.” Techn9ne brought what only Techn9ne can bring of strange and mysticism. Stone Sour killed it, then again, Corey Taylor could sing me the alphabet and I would be more than satisfied.
Then boom! Avenged Sevenfold came on and man that chat blew up!!! Brazil really loves some A7X and I don’t blame them. They played all of my favorite tracks including “A Little Piece of Heaven” (which was my ringtone for 2 years). Then ending with of course, Unholy Confessions. I can’t speak Portuguese, but I think a lot of the fans of Brazil were super happy.
This day should be renamed to just 'BABYMETAL day.' When Sunday rolled along I was happy to hear that the weather was clear, the line-up was all set, and I had another breakfast burrito, but I knew another wave will come crashing on me.
As the day continued, the chat became more and more full of fans. I was moderating the best that I could, just shooting the breeze and helping people with schedules. Again, I could feel the unstoppable wave creeping closer.
The bands were all playing stellar sets and the chat was going off. Then I saw twitter:

“Oh shi-“
BABYMETAL’s rabid fanbase showed up in force!
Pouring in to see the band, loud praises and thanks for getting the act for the stream. All I could do was hunker down and make sure everybody was enjoying the show. Even in the madness I had a moments to watch the show and fan out a bit. Heck if you didn’t know I even wrote about BABYMETAL for LiveXLive before. INSERT SHAMELESS PLUG : Can We Talk About Babymetal?
As Sunday wrapped up with Godsmack, taking me back with old tracks, I was super humbled by the tons of awesome people that thanked me and LiveXLive that put on this stream event. I wouldn’t have wanted to spend my weekend any other way. Talking with some great people that came under the same banner of music; what more could I have wanted?
So from me and everyone involved from LiveXLive and Slacker Radio would like to thank you! Yes you! For watching the stream over the weekend and I hope to see you again for the next stream. *Big Hug* Now if you would excuse me… I need a burrito.